People Directory
Elizabeth Huynh, PhD
Medical Physics Resident
Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA
Expected completion: 06/2018
University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Doctor of Philosophy, Department of Medical Biophysics
Degree received: 06/2015
Thesis title: Porphyrin Microparticles for Biological and Biomedical Applications
McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Bachelor of Science (Honors), Medical and Health Physics
Degree received: 06/2010
Honors and Awards
2013-2015 CIHR Frederick Banting and Charles Best Canada Graduate Scholarship ($30
000/ year + $5 000 research allowance/ year for 3 years; ranked 6 out of 852)
2012 Runner-up for best oral presentation, James Lepock Memorial Student Research
Symposium, Toronto, Canada
2012 Second prize for best poster, Biomedical Optics, Miami, USA, $300
2012 University of Toronto School of Graduate Studies Conference Grant, Toronto,
Canada, $440
2011 Best poster, World Molecular Imaging Congress, San Diego, USA, $100
2011 Best MSc poster, James Lepock Memorial Student Research Symposium,
Toronto, Canada, $100
2011 World Molecular Imaging Conference Travel Award, San Diego, USA, $350
2010-11 Dr. J.R. Cunningham Graduate Fellowship in Cancer Research, Toronto,
Canada, $10 000 per year
2009 Second prize for best poster, University of Toronto Medical Biophysics Summer
Student Research Day, Toronto, Canada
2006-10 Deans Honour List, McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada
2006-10 Queen Elizabeth II Aiming for the Top Scholarship, McMaster University,
Hamilton, Canada, $3500 per year
2006-10 McMaster University Entrance Scholarship, Hamilton, Canada, $2000 per year
Peer-reviewed Publications
1. Huynh E, Coroller TC, Narayan V, Agrawal V, Hou Y, Romano J, Franco I, Mak RH, Aerts
HJWL. CT-based radiomic analysis of stereotactic body radiation therapy patients with lung
cancer identifies non-invasive biomarkers for recurrent disease. Radiotherapy and
Oncology. 2016, submitted.
2. Shakiba M, Ng KK, Huynh E, Chan H, Charron DM, Muhanna N, Chen J, Foster SF, Irish
JC, Wilson BC, Zheng G. Stable J-aggregation enabled dual photoacoustic and
fluorescence nanoparticles for intraoperative cancer imaging. Nanoscale. 2016.
3. Yip SF, Coroller TC, Sanford N, Huynh E, Mamon H, Aerts HWJL, Berbeco R. Use of
registration-based contour propagation in texture analysis for esophageal cancer pathologic
response prediction. Physics in Medicine and Biology. 2016, 61(2), 906-22.
4. Paproski R, Forbrich A, Huynh E, Chen J, Lewis J, Zheng, G, Zemp R. Porphyrin
Nanodroplets: Submicron Ultrasound and Photoacoustic Contrast Imaging Agents. Small.
2015. DOI: 10.1002/smll.201502450.
5. Muhanna N, Cui L, Chan H, Burgess L, Jin CS, Huynh E, Wang, F, Chen J, Irish JC, Zheng
G. Multimodal Image-Guided Surgical and Photodynamic Interventions in Head-and-Neck
Cancer: From Primary Tumor to Metastatic Drainage. Clinical Cancer Research. 2015.
DOI: 10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-15-1235.
6. Muhanna N, Jin CS, Huynh E, Chan H, Qiu M, Jiang W, Cui L, Burgess L, Chen J, Irish JC,
Zheng G. Phototheranostic Porphyrin Nanoparticles Enable Visualization and Targeted
Treatment of Head and Neck Cancer in Large Animal Models. Theranostics. 2015, 5(12),
7. Huynh E, Leung BYC, Helfield B, Shakiba M, Gandier J, Jin CS, Master E, Wilson BC,
Goertz, DE, Zheng G. In situ conversion of porphyrin microbubbles to nanoparticles for
multimodality imaging. Nature Nanotechnology. 2015, 10(4), 325-332.
Featured in Nature Nanotechnology News and Views (2015, 10 (4), 301–302)
8. Ng KK, Shakiba M, Huynh E, Weersink R, Roxin A, Wilson BC, Zheng G. Reversible stimuliresponsive
photoacoustic nanoswitch for in vivo sensing applications. ACS Nano. 2014,
8(8), 8363-8373.
9. Huynh E, Jin CS, Wilson BC, Zheng G. Aggregate enhanced porphyrin shell microbubbles
for ultrasound, photoacoustic and fluorescence imaging. Bioconjugate Chemistry. 2014,
25(4), 796-801.
10. Huynh E, Zheng G. Porphysome nanotechnology: a paradigm shift in lipid-based
supramolecular structures. NanoToday. 2014, 9(2), 212-222.
11. Jeon M, Song W, Huynh E, Kim J, Kim J, Helfield BL, Leung B, Goertz DE, Zheng G, Oh J,
Lovell JF, Kim C. Methylene blue microbubbles (MB2) as a model dual-modality contrast
agent for ultrasound and activatable photoacoustic imaging. Journal of Biomedical Optics.
2014, 19(1), 016005-1 – 016005-8.
12. Huynh E, Zheng G. Organic biophotonic nanoparticles: porphysomes and beyond. IEEE
Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics. 2014, 20(3). 1-8.
13. Huynh E, Lovell JF, Fobel R, Zheng G. Optically controlled pore formation in self-sealing
giant porphyrin vesicles. Small. 2014, 10(6), 1184-1193.
14. Huynh E, Zheng G. Engineering multifunctional nanoparticles: all-in-one versus one-for-all.
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews Nanomedicine and Nanotechnology. 2013, 5(3), 250-
15. Huynh E, Lovell JF, Helfield B, Jeon M, Kim C, Goertz DE, Wilson BC, Zheng G. Porphyrin
shell microbubbles with intrinsic ultrasound and photoacoustic properties. Journal of the
American Chemical Society. 2012, 134(40), 16464-16467.
Selected as cover feature for October 10, 2012 issue
Featured in Journal of the American Chemical Society as a spotlight article (2012,
134, 16447−16448)
16. Lovell JF, Jin CS, Huynh E, MacDonald TD, Cao W, Zheng G. Enzymatic regioselection for
synthesis and biodegradation of porphysome nanovesicles. Angewandte Chemie
International Edition. 2012, 51(10), 2429-2433.
17. Lovell JF, Jin CS, Huynh E, Jin H, Kim C, Rubinstein JL, Chan WCW, Wang LV, Zheng G.
Porphysome nanovesicles generated by porphyrin bilayers for use as multimodal
biophotonic contrast agents. Nature Materials. 2011, 10, 324-332.
18. Lovell JF, Chen J, Huynh E, Jarvi MT, Wilson BC, Zheng, G. Facile synthesis of advanced
photodynamic molecular beacon architectures. Bioconjugate Chemistry. 2010, 21, 1023-
Other Publications
Huynh E and Zheng G. Cancer nanomedicine: addressing the dark side of the enhanced
permeability and retention effect. Nanomedicine. 2015, 10(13), 1993-5.
“In the Classroom” Article - An invited article by the editor of Nature Nanotechnology to
describe the journey, lessons and challenges of the study.
Huynh E. From nano to micro and back. Nature Nanotechnology. 2015, 10(4), 380.
Book Chapter
Liu TW, Huynh E, MacDonald TD, Zheng G. Porphyrins for Imaging, Photodynamic Therapy
and Photothermal Therapy. Cancer Theranostics. Elsevier Inc., 2014. p229-248.
Research Highlights
Lovell JF, Huynh E, MacDonald TD, Lin Q, Zheng G. Research Highlight. Nanomedicine. 2011,
6(7), 1155-1158.
Provisional patents filed:
2013 J-aggregate Forming Nanoparticles (Zheng G, Ng KK, Huynh E, Shakiba M,
Weersink R, Wilson B) (filed on Jan 29, 2013)
US Prov. Appl. No. 61/757,750
2011 Controlled Opening of Self-Sealing Porphyrin Microvesicles (Zheng G, Huynh E,
Lovell JF) (filed on Oct 25, 2011)
US Patent Application No. US61/568,352
2011 Porphyrin Shell Microbubble Contrast Agents (Zheng G, Huynh E, Lovell JF)
(filed on Oct 13, 2011)
WO 2013053042 A1
Selected Conference Presentations
1. Huynh E, Goertz DG, Zheng G. “Imaging the Microbubble to Nanoparticle Conversion using
Ultrasound, Photoacoustics and Fluorescence.” Poster presentation. Laser Applications in
Life Sciences. Ulm, Germany. June 29-July 2, 2014.
2. Huynh E, Zheng G. “Aggregate Enhanced Trimodal Porphyrin Shell Microbubbles for
Ultrasound, Photoacoustic and Fluorescence Imaging.” Poster presentation. SPIE Photonics
West. San Francisco, California. February 1-6, 2014.
3. Huynh E, Lovell JF, Zheng G. “Optically Controlled Pore Formation in Cell-Size Porphyrin
Vesicles.” Poster presentation. Biophotonics School. Island of Ven, Sweden. June 8-15,
4. Huynh E, Lovell JF, Kim C, Goertz DE, Wilson BC, Zheng G. “Photonic Porphyrin Shell
Microbubbles as a Dual Modal Ultrasound and Photoacoustic Contrast Agent.” Oral
Presentation. Seventh International Conference on Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines. July 4,
5. Huynh E, Lovell JF, Zheng G. “Optically Controlled Opening of Photonic Cell-Size PorphyrinLipid
Vesicles as Versatile Microreactors.” Oral Presentation. James Lepock Memorial
Student Symposium, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada. June 14, 2012. Runner-up for
Best MSc Oral Presentation.
6. Huynh E, Lovell JF, Zheng G. “Optically Controlled Opening of Self-Sealing Giant Porphyrin
Vesicles.” Poster Presentation. Biomedical Optics Optical Society of America, Miami, United
States of America. April 29-May 2, 2012. Awarded Second Prize for Best Poster.
7. Huynh E, Lovell JF, Zheng G. “Structure Dependent Photoacoustic and Fluorescence
Properties of Porphysome Nanovesicles”. Poster Presentation. World Molecular Imaging
Congress, San Diego, United States of America. September 7-11, 2011. Awarded Best
Poster in Optical and Photoacoustic Probes Category.
8. Huynh E, Lovell JF, Zheng G. “Porphysome Giant Vesicles: Investigating Porphyrin-Lipid
Bilayer Membrane Behaviour.” Poster Presentation. James Lepock Memorial Student
Research Symposium, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada. June 2, 2011. Awarded
Best MSc Poster.
9. Huynh E, Lovell JF, Zheng G. “Improving Selectivity of Photosensitizers.” University of
Toronto Medical Biophysics Summer Student Research Day, Toronto, Canada. August 12,
2009. Awarded Second Prize for Best Poster.