People Directory
Karen Doppke, MS
1964 B.S. Alverno College (Physics)
1967 M.S. University of Wisconsin Medical School (Radiation Physics)
1965 Research Assistant, University of Wisconsin Medical School
1966 Teaching Assistant, University of Wisconsin Medical School
1967 Assistant Health Physicist, University of Wisconsin Hospital
Licensure and Certification
1979 American Board of Radiology
Academic Appointments
1970-1973 Instructor in Radiology, University of Wisconsin Medical School
1974-1981 Associate in Radiation Therapy, Harvard Medical School
1981 Instructor in Radiation Therapy, Harvard Medical School
Hospital Appointments
1967-1970 Radiation Physicist, Department of Radiology, University of Wisconsin
1970-1973 Instructor in the Department of Radiology, University of Wisconsin Hospitals.
1974-1977 Assistant in Radiation Biophysics, Department of Radiation Medicine, Massachusetts General Hospital
1977 Assistant Radiation Biophysicist, Department of Radiation Medicine, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA.
Memberships and Committee Assignments in Professional Societies
1967-2004 Health Physics Society (HPS)
1968. American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM)
1967-1973 Midwest Chapter, AAPM
1973 North Central Chapter, HPS
1973- New England Chapter AAPM, Boston Medical Group
1979-1982 Training of Radiologists Committee, AAPM
1977-1982 American College of Radiology, Patterns of CARE Study,
Physics Reviewer
1980 - American College of Radiology
1980-1984 Radiation Therapy Committee, AAPM
1981-1982 New England Chapter, AAPM, Program Coordinator
1982-1983 New England Chapter, AAPM President
1982-1989 Task Group 25, Clinical Electron Dosimetry, AAPM
1983-1995 NESRO
1983 American Society of Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology
1984-1987 Technologists Liasion Committee, AAPM
1985 American College of Radiology Practice Accreditation Program, Physics
Site Reviewer
1986-1988 Program Committee/Abstract Reviewer, ASTRO
1986-1991 Training of Radiologist Committee, AAPM
1988-1990 Task Group 1, Laboratory Work Book in Radiation Oncology
1990-1993 AAPM Board of Directors, Member at Large
1990-1996 Task Group 49. Point Dose Calculation, AAPM
1991-1997 American Board of Radiology, Task Force for Radiological Physics Examinations.
1993-1997 AAPM Task Group 53, Quality Assurance for Clinical Radiation
Therapy Treatment Planning
1994-2001 Committee on Practice Accreditation, American College of Radiology
1997 Committee on Radiation Oncology, American College of Radiology
2001 AAPM Chapter Representative Board of Directors AAPM Committee Medical Physics Residency Training and Rewrite of Report
#36 Report 109 finished and approved.
2005-2010 AAPM Committee on Medical Physics Residency Training and Promotion
2010-2012 ACR Medical Physics Education Committee
1999 Fellow of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine
2006 Sister Joel Read Outstanding Alumna Award
- Doppke, KP, Cameron JR. Desensitization of LiF(TLD-100) due to radiation damage. USAEC Report 1966: C00-1105-119.
- Cameron JR, Deward L. Wagner J. Wilson C. Doppke K, Zimmerman D. Non-linearity of thermoluminescence as a function of dose for LiF (TLD-100). Proc. Symp. Solid State and Chem. Rad. Dosimetry IAEA. Vienna, 1966.
- Hansen H, Connor WG. Doppke KP, Boone MLM. A new Field Flattening filter for the Clinac-4 Radiology 1972; 103:2.
- Wirtanen GW, Matallana DH, Doppke KP, Van Roy RL. Thermography and venography in tumors of the mediastinum and chest. Am J. Roentgenol. 1973; 117-878.
- Doppke KP, Lane RG, Tolbert, DD. Development of a radiation therapy technology program. Proc. Symp. Health Physics in the Healing Arts. DHEW publication (FDA) 73-8029,
- Doppke KP, Lane RG, Tolbert DD. Development of a radiation therapy technology program. Proc. Symp. Health Physics in the Healing Arts. DHEW publication (FDA) 72-80297.
- Lane RG, Doppke KP, Judy PF, Pillai BK, Malfunction of linear accelerator dose monitoring systems. Radiology 1975; 115:734-735.
- Lane RG, Doppke KP. A wedge filter interlock system for 4 MV linear accelerators. Radiology 1975; 116:452.
- Gitterman M, Littman P, Doppke KP, Wang CC. Rethinking the necessity of treating all all fields at each radiotherapy session. Radiology 1975; 117:419-424.
- Wang CC, Doppke KP, Osteoradionecrosis of the temporal bone-consideration of nominal standard dose. Int J Radiation Oncol Biol Phys. 1976; 1-881:883.
- Epp ER, Boyer AL, Doppke, KP. Underdosing lesions resulting from lack of electronic equilibrium in upper respiratory air cavities irradiated by 10 MV x-ray beams. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 1977; 2:613-619.
- Biggs PJ, Boyer AL, Doppke KP. Electron dosimetry of irregular fields on the Clinac 18. Int J Radiat Onocol Biol Phys. 1979; 5:433-444.
- Doppke KP, Novack DH, Wang CC. Physical considerations in the treatment of advanced carcinomas of the larynx and pyriform sinuses using 10 MV x-rays. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 1980; 6:1251-1255.
- Kopelson G, Munzenrider JE, Doppke KP, Wang CC. Bilateral breast cancer: radiation therapy results and technical considerations. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 1981; 7:335-341.
- Dosoretz DE, Raymond AK, Murphy GF, Doppke KP, Schiller AL, Wang CC, Suit HD. Primary lymphoma of bone: the relationship of morphologic diversity to clinical behavior. Cancer 1982; 50;1009-1014.
- Dosoretz DE, Raymond AK, Murphy GF, Doppke KP, Schiller AL, Wang CC, Suit HD. Radiation therapy for primary lymphoma of bone. Cancer 1983; 51:44-46.
- Biggs PJ, Doppke KP, Leong JC, Russell M. Tissue phantom ratios for a Clinac 4/100. Med Phys. 1982; 9:753-757.
- Wang CC, Doppke KP, Biggs PJ. Intra-oral Cone Radiation Therapy for Selected Carcinomas of the Oral Cavity. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 9:1185-1189.
- Shimm DS, Doppke KP, Leong JC, Gregory E, Dosoretz DE. Variation in the lung Inhomogeneity correction factor with beam energy: Clinical implications. Acta Radiol. Oncol. 1985; 24:407-410.
- Mirimanoff RO, Wang CC, Doppke KP. Combined Surgery and Postoperative Radiation Therapy for Advanced Laryngeal and Hypopharyngeal Carcinomas. Int J Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Physics. 1985; 11:499-504.
- Gunderson LL, Russell AH, Liewellyn HJ, Doppke, KP, Tepper JE. Treatment planning for colorectal cancer: Radiation and surgical techniques and value of small-bowel films. Int Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Phys. 1985; 11:1379-1393.
- Willett CG, Linggood RM, Stracher MA, Goitein M, Doppke KP, Kushner DC, Morris T, Pardy J, Carroll R. The effect of the Respiratory Cycle of Mediastinal and Lung Dimensions in Hodgkin’s Disease. Cancer 1987; 60:1232-1237.
- Willett CG, Linggood, RM, Meyer J, Orlow E, Lindfors K, Doppke, KP, Aissenberg AC, Results of Treatment of Stage 3A Hodgkin’s Disease. Cancer 1987; 59:27-30.
- Doppke KP, Goitein M. A survey of the information gained from planning treatment with a computer. Med. Phys. 1988; 15:258-262.
- Dunbar S, Linggood RL, Doppke KP, Duby A, Wang CC. Conjunctional Lymphoma: Results and treatment with single anterior electron field. A lens sparing approach. Int J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Physics. 1990; 19:249-257.
- Willett C, Linggood RM, Meyer J, Orlow E, Lindfors K, Doppke KP, Aisenberg AC. Results of Treatment of Stage 1A and 11A Hodgkin’s Disease. Cancer 1987; 59:1107-1111.
- Urie MM, Goitein M, Doppke KP, Kutcher JG, LoSasso T, Mohan R, Munzenrider JE, Sontag M, Wong JW. The role of uncertainty analysis in treatment planning. Int J Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Physics. 1991; 21:91-107.
- Masterson ME, Barest G, Chui CS, Doppke KP, Epperson RD, Harms WB, Krippner KE, Moohan R, Slessinger ED, Sontag MR, Urie MM, Wallace RE, Wong JW. Interinstitutional experience in verification of external photon dose calculations. Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Physics. 1991; 21:37-58.
- Emami B, Purdy, JA, Manolis J, Barest G, Cheng E, Coia L, Doppke, KP, Galvin J, LoSasso T, Matthews J, Munzenrider J, Shank B. Three dimensional treatment planning for lung cancer. Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Physics. 1991; 21:217-227.
- Munzenrider JE, Brown AP, Chu J, Coia LR, Doppke KP, Emami B, Kutcher GJ. Mohan R.Purdy JA. Shank B. Simpson JR, Solin LJ, Urie MM. Numerical Scoring of Treatment Plans. Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Physics. 1991; 21:147-163.
- Munzenrider JE, Doppke KP, Brown AP, Burman C, Cheng E. Chu J. Chui C, Drsymala RE, Goitein M, Manolis JM, Nori D, Simpson JR, Solin L, Urie M. Three dimensional treatmemt plannning for para-aortic node irradiation in patients with cervical cancer. Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Physics. 1991; 21:229-242.
- Cola L, Galvin J, Sontag M. Blitzer P, Brenner H, Cheng E, Doppke KP, Harms W, Hunt M, Mohan R, Munzenrider J. Simpson J. Three -dimensional photon treatment planning in carcinoma of the larynx. Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Physics. 1991; 21:183-192.
- Solin LJ, Chu JCH, Sontag MR, Brewster L, Cheng E, Doppke KP, Drzymala RE, Hunt M, Kuske R, Manolis JM, McCormick B, Munzenrider JE. Three-dimensional photon treatment photon treatment planning of the intact breast. Int J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Physics. 1991; 21: 193-203.
- Khan FM, Doppke KP, Hogstrom KR, Kutcher GJ, Nath R, Prasad SC, Purdy JA, Rozenfeld M, Werner BL. Clinical electron-beam dosimetry: Report of AAPM Radiation Therapy Committee Taks Group No. 25. Med. Phys. 1991: 18:73.
- Doppke KP, Morin RL, Chu W, Gerbi BG, Gould RG, Hefner LV, Marsden DS. Pavlicek W, Ritenour ER, Schoenfeld H. A Survey of Radiation Oncologists Regarding Their Radiation Physics Instruction. Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Physics. 1993; 25:345-352.
- Withers HR, Peters LJ, Taylor JMG, Owen JB, Morrison WH, Schultheiss, TE, Keane T, O’Sullivan B, VanDyke J, Gupta N, Wang CC, Jones CU, Doppke KP, Muint S, Thompson M, Parson JT, Mendenhall WM, Dische S, Aird EGA, Henk MJ, Bidmead M, Svoboda V, Choon Y, Hanlon AL, Peters T, Hanks G. Local Control of Carcinoma of Tonsil by Radiation Therapy: An Analysis of Patterns of Fractionation in Nine Institutions. Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Phys. 1995; 3:549-562.
- Withers, HR, Peters LJ, Taylor JMG, Owen JB, Morrison WH, Schultheiss TE, Keane T, O’Sullivan B, VanDuke J, Gupta N, Wang CC, Jones CJ, Doppke KP, Myint S, Thompson M,Parsons JT, Mendenhall, MD, Dische S, Aird EGA, Henk JM, Bidmead MAM, Svobada V, Chon Y, Hanlon AL, Peters TL, Hanks GE. Late Normal Tissue Sequelae From Radiation Therapy For Carcinoma of the Tonsil: Patterns of Fractionation Study of Radiobiology. Int. J. Radiat. Oncol.. Biol. Phys. 1995; 3:563-568.
- Mauceri T, Biggs PJ, Beatty J, Doppke KP, Gall K, Hong L, Leong J, Lo YC, Rosenthal SR, Russell MD. A Method for Predicting the Variation of the Dept of Maximum dose in Shaped Electron Fields. Amer. Assoc. Phys. Med. 1996; 23:695-697.
- Aisenberg AC, Finkelstein DM, Doppke KP, Koerner FC, Boivin JF, Willett CG. High Risk of Breast Carcinoma after Irradiatin of Young Women with Hodgkin’s Disease. Amer. Can. Society. 1997; 79:1203-1210.
- Shih HA, Jiang SB, Aljarrah KM, Doppke KP, Choi NC. Internal target volume determined with expansion margins beyond composite gross tumor volume in three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy for lung cancer. Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Phys. 2004;60:613-622.41.
- Bert C, Metheany KG, Doppke KP, Chen GT. A phantom evaluation of a stereo-vision surface
imaging system for radiotherapy patient setup. Med. Phys. 2005;32:2753-2762. - Taghian AG, Kozak KR, Doppke KP, Katz A, Smith BL, Gadd M, Specht M, Hughes K, Braaten K, Kachnic LA, Recht A, Powell SN. Initial dosimetric experience using simple three-dimensional conformal external-beam accelerated partial-breast irradiation. Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Phys. 2006;64:1092-1099.
- Bert C, Metheany KG, Doppke KP, Taghian AG, Powell SN, Chen GT. Clinical experience with a 3D surface patient setup system for alignment of partial-breast irradiation patients. Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Phys. 2006;64:1265-1274.
- Kozak KR, Doppke KP, Katz A, Taghian AG. Dosimetric comparison of two different three-dimensional conformal external beam accelerated partial breast irradiation techniques. Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Phys. 2006;65:340-346.
- Kozak KR, Katz A, Adams J, Crowley EM, Nyamwanda JA, Feng JK, Doppke KP, Delaney TF, Taghian AG. Dosimetric comparison of proton and photon three-dimensional, conformal, external beam accelerated partial breast irradiation techniques. Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Phys. 2006:65:1572-1578.
- Rietzel E, Liu AK, Doppke KP, Wolfgang JA, Chen AB, Chen GT, Choi NC. Design of 4D treatment planning target volumes. Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Phys. 2006:66:287-295.
- Trofimov, A, Nguyen, PL, Coen, JJ, Doppke, KP, Schneider, RJ, Adams, JA, Delaney, TF, Shipley, WU. Radiotherapy treatment of early-stage prostate cancer with IMRT and protons: A treatment planning comparison. Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Phys. 2007:69: 444-453.
- Sergey,VK., Niemierko, A., Huang, P., Silva, J., Doppke, KP., Suit, HD. Inter- vs. intra-mouse heterogeneity of radiation response for a growing paired organ. Radiat. Res. 2008 :170:264-267.
- Kirsch, DG., Grimm, J., Guimaraes, AR., Wojtkiewicz, GR., Perez, BA., Santiago, PM., Anthony, NK., Forbes, T., Doppke, K., Weissleder, R., Jacks, T. Imaging Primary Lung Cancers In Mice to Study Radiation Biology. Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Phys. 2010:76: 973-977.
- Kim, BoKyong, Chen, YE., Kirsch, DG., Goldberg, SI., Kobayashi, W., Kung, JH., Wolfgang, JA., Doppke, K., Rosenberg, AE., Nielsen, PG., Raskin, KA., Springfield, DS.. An Effective Preoperative Three-Dimensional Radiotherapy Target Volume for Extremity Soft Tissue Sarcoma and the Effect of Margin Width on Local Control. . Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Phys. 2010:77: 843-850.
- Doppke KP. X-ray Simulation Developments and Evaluation for Radiation Therapy. Kiricaker JG, Elson HR, Born CG, Eds: Radiation Oncology Physics 1986. New York American Institute of Physics 1987, 447-461.
- Doppke KP, Physical Aspects of Radiation Therapy. Wang CC. Ed: Clinical Radiation Oncology, Little, MA PSG Publishing, 1988; 56-74.
- Doppke KP. Radiation Therapy Simulator. Webster JG, Ed. Encyclopedia of Medical Devices and Instrumentation. New York, John Wiley &Sons. 1988; 4:2441-2447.
- Wu RK, Gerbi BJ, Doppke KP. New York American Institute of Physics. Workbook on Dosimetry and Treatment Planning for Radiation Oncology Residents. 1991.
- Doppke KP. Treatment simulation organization. Wright AE, Boyer AL, Eds: Advances in Radiation Therapy Treatment Planning. New York: American Institute of Physics 1983; 131-137.
- Doppke KP. Treatment strategies-Hodgkin’s disease. Wright AE,Boyer AL, EDS: Advances in Radiation Therapy Treatment Planning. New York: American Institute of Physics 1983; 341-355.