Events Calendar
Chul Hee Min (Yonsei University, MGH): Monte Carlo simulation and detection system for radiation therapy, radiation protection, and homeland security
Tuesday 12 February 2019, 12:00pm - 01:00pm
Dr. Min will provide an overview over the research topics of his group at Yonsei University. Topics include:
Development of Dose Verification System for Passive and Scanning System Using TOPAS
In-vivo Dose Verification based on Time Profile of Prompt Gammas and Prompt-gamma Imaging& Positron Emission Tomography (PG-PET) System
Independent dose validation system for Linac, Gamma Knife, and Two-dimensional Dynamic Multileaf Collimator
Development and Optimization of Dose Evaluation System for Clinical Application of 4D Human Phantom
Design and Optimization of the Target, Moderator and Collimator for the Development of Boron Neutron Capture Therapy System: A Monte Carlo Study
Location : Goitein Room