
02 Jan    no presentation 

Jan    David Kirsch    
Use of Mouse Models to Probe Radiation Biology

16 Jan    Helen Shih, David Craft, Tarek Halabi    
Multicriteria IMRT optimization

23 Jan    no presentation
30 Jan    Nagarajan Kandasamy (Drexel University)
Streaming Algorithms for Fast Reconstruction and Registration of CT Images


06 Feb    Helen Shih
Fluorescence Molecular Tomography: A Novel Method of Noninvasive Targeted Imaging
13 Feb    Wu Liu (University of Wisconsin)  
Ultrasound Parametric Imaging - Some Applications in Liver Tumor Imaging and Treatment

20 Feb    Gerald Gabrielse (Harvard University) 
New Measurement of the Electron Magnetic Moment and the Fine Structure Constant
27 Feb    Hong Xiang (Brigham and Women's)
Deformable image registration and analysis for image-guided IMRT treatment of head-and-neck cancer 


06 Mar    Edwin Romeijn (University of Florida)
A direct aperture optimization approach to IMRT treatment planning

13 Mar    Uwe Oelfke (DKFZ)
Optimization of biological effects in hadron therapy

20 Mar    cancelled
27 Mar    Bernie Gottschalk
Transverse Penumbra in Proton Radiotherapy Beams 


03 Apr    Neelam Tyagi (University of Michigan)
Toward clinical development and implementation of a Monte Carlo treatment planning system: Issues and considerations
10 Apr    cancelled
17 Apr    Omid Nahodani (MIT)
Robust optimization of nano-photonics 
24 Apr    Steve Pieper (Brigham and Women's Hospital)
3D Slicer and the NA-MIC kit 


01 May     Shinichiro Mori

Analysis Tools to Quantify of Range Variations in Charged Particle Therapy
07 May     Anatoly Rozenfeld (University of Wollongong)
Micro and nanodosimetry including a new approach using solid state nanodosimetry
08 May     Joe Deasy (Washington University)
The crummy state of IMRT planning, and what we can do about it
15 May     Evangelos Kanoulas (Northeastern University) 
Derivation of the Tumor Position from External Respiratory Surrogates 
22 May    PTCOG
25 May     Anders Brahme (Karolinska Institute)
New molecular approaches in tumor imaging and biologically optimized cancer therapy using light ions 
29 May     Sairos Safai
Comparison between the lateral penumbra of a doubled scattered beam and the lateral penumbra of scanning beam


05 Jun    Guido Baroni (Politecnico de Milano)
Status of the Heavy Ion Project in Italy: Construction / Treatment Room Planning
05 Jun    ICCR 
12 Jun     Jochem Wolthaus (NKI)
4D imaging of lung cancer at the Netherlands Cancer Institute

19 Jun     Ying Cui (Northeastern University)
22 Jun     Dr Herman Suit (MGH)
Protons vs Photons. Are Phase III Clinical Trial Data Needed?
26 Jun    Olivier Commowick (Children's Hospital)
Non Linear Registration for Atlas-Based Segmentation of Anatomical Structures for Radiotherapy


03 Jul   Ben Martin (Boston U / MGH) 
Accelerating IMRT optimization by Voxel Sampling

Jul   Janet Sisterson (MGH / HMS)
Ion beam therapy in 2007: some history and world wide perspective

17 Jul  Christoph Börgers (Tufts U)
Some thoughts on deterministic radiation dose calculation
31 Jul   Ivo Erkens (TU Eindhoven / MGH)
Prediction of output factors for the BPTC eye beam line


07 Aug    Highlights of the AAPM Meeting
16 Aug Andreas Braun (Heidelberg)
Strings and Landscapes
28 Aug    Janet Sisterson (MGH / HMS)
Using particle accelerators to better understand cosmic ray interactions on earth and in space


04 Sep  Gil Abramovich and Robert J. Filkins (GE Research)
A rapid digital microscope for viewing, archiving, and analysis of tissue sections   


05 Sep  Charles Mayo (UMASS Memorial MC)
ROC Data Miner: A tool for research and per patient DVH analysis
06 Sep  Jon Martinson and Neil Coplan (MGH / Partners)
Research Computing at Partners  

25 Sep  Jan Unkelbach (MGH)

Handling setup errors and range uncertainty in IMPT planning -- why the PTV concept does not work in proton therapy


02 Oct Sairos Safai (MGH)
The limitation of the patching technique in 3D conformal proton therapy and the potential benefit of IMPT
09 Oct  De-briefing of the RadOnc Research retreat   

16 Oct   Harald Paganetti (MGH / HMS)

Neutrons in proton therapy: New results from simulations of dose, equivalent dose and cancer risk.
23 Oct  David Brenner (Columbia)
Understanding radiotherapy-induced second cancers


06 Nov    Janet Sisterson (MGH / HMS)

Neutron measurements at  FHBPTC
13 Nov Fang-Fang Yin (Duke) 
Tomosynthesis in IGRT

20 Nov     Ethan Cascio (MGH)

Those upsetting ions - The effects of radiation on electronics


04 Dec Bernard Gottschalk (Harvard)
Techniques of Proton Radiotherapy: 1. Basic Physics
11 Dec Hsiao-Ming Lu (MGH / HMS)
Time-resolved dose measurement for in vivo proton range verification

18 Dec Peter Binns (MIT)

 Boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT): an experimental modality