
Incidence of CNS Injury for a Cohort of 111 Patients Treated With Proton Therapy for Medulloblastoma: LET and RBE Associations for Areas of Injury

Authors: Giantsoudi, D (Giantsoudi, Drosoula)[ 1 ] , Sethi, RV (Sethi, Roshan V.)[ 1 ] , Yeap, BY (Yeap, Beow Y.)[ 2 ] , Eaton, BR (Eaton, Bree R.)[ 1 ] , Ebb, DH(Ebb, David H.)[ 3 ] , Caruso, PA (Caruso, Paul A.)[ 4 ] , Rapalino, O (Rapalino, Otto)[ 4 ] , Chen, YLE (Chen, Yen-Lin E.)[ 1 ] , Adams, JA (Adams, Judith A.)[ 1 ] , Yock, TI (Yock, Torunn I.)[ 1 ] , Tarbell, NJ (Tarbell, Nancy J.)[ 1 ] , Paganetti, H (Paganetti, Harald)[ 1 ] , MacDonald, SM (MacDonald, Shannon M.)[ 1 ]
Published in: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RADIATION ONCOLOGY BIOLOGY PHYSICS Volume: 95 Issue: 1 Pages: 287-296 Published: MAY 1 2016
Year: 2016

Impact of Spot Size and Beam-Shaping Devices on the Treatment Plan Quality for Pencil Beam Scanning Proton Therapy

Authors: Moteabbed, M (Moteabbed, Maryam)[ 1 ] , Yock, TI (Yock, Torunn I.), Depauw, N (Depauw, Nicolas), Madden, TM (Madden, Thomas M.), Kooy, HM (Kooy, Hanne M.), Paganetti, H (Paganetti, Harald)
Published in: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RADIATION ONCOLOGY BIOLOGY PHYSICS Volume: 95 Issue: 1 Pages: 190-198 Published: MAY 1 2016
Year: 2016

Disruption of SLX4-MUS81 Function Increases the Relative Biological Effectiveness of Proton Radiation

Authors: Liu, Q (Liu, Qi)[ 1 ] , Underwood, TSA (Underwood, Tracy S. A.)[ 2 ] , Kung, J (Kung, Jong)[ 2 ] , Wang, M (Wang, Meng)[ 1 ] , Lu, HM (Lu, Hsiao-Ming)[ 2 ] ,Paganetti, H (Paganetti, Harald)[ 2 ] , Held, KD (Held, Kathryn D.)[ 1 ] , Hong, TS (Hong, Theodore S.)[ 1 ] , Efstathiou, JA (Efstathiou, Jason A.)[ 1 ] , Willers, H(Willers, Henning)[ 1 ]
Published in: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RADIATION ONCOLOGY BIOLOGY PHYSICS Volume: 95 Issue: 1 Pages: 78-85 Published: MAY 1 2016
Year: 2016

Variable Proton Relative Biological Effectiveness: How Do We Move Forward?

Authors: Underwood, T (Underwood, Tracy)[ 1,2 ] , Paganetti, H (Paganetti, Harald)[ 1 ]
Published in: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RADIATION ONCOLOGY BIOLOGY PHYSICS Volume: 95 Issue: 1 Pages: 56-58 Published: MAY 1 2016
Year: 2016

Dose assessment for the fetus considering scattered and secondary radiation from photon and proton therapy when treating a brain tumor of the mother.

Authors: Geng, Changran, Moteabbed, Maryam, Seco, Joao, Gao, Yiming, George Xu, X, Ramos-Mendez, Jose, Faddegon, Bruce, Paganetti, Harald
Published in: Physics in medicine and biology Volume:61 Issue:2 Pages:683-95 Published:2016-Jan-21 (Epub 2015 Dec 30)
Year: 2016

Multi-criteria optimization achieves superior normal tissue sparing in a planning study of intensity-modulated radiation therapy for RTOG 1308-eligible non-small cell lung cancer patients

Authors: Kamran, SC (Kamran, Sophia C.)[ 1 ] , Mueller, BS (Mueller, Birgit S.)[ 2,3 ] , Paetzold, P (Paetzold, Peter)[ 4 ] , Dunlap, J (Dunlap, Joseph)[ 4 ] , Niemierko, A (Niemierko, Andrzej)[ 4,5 ] , Bortfeld, T (Bortfeld, Thomas)[ 4 ] , Willers, H (Willers, Henning)[ 4 ] , Craft, D (Craft, David)[ 4 ]
Published in: RADIOTHERAPY AND ONCOLOGY Volume: 118 Issue: 3 Pages: 515-520 Published: MAR 2016
Year: 2016

Assessing the radiation-induced second cancer risk in proton therapy for pediatric brain tumors: the impact of employing a patient-specific aperture in pencil beam scanning

Authors: Geng, CR (Geng, Changran)[ 1,3 ] , Moteabbed, M (Moteabbed, Maryam)[ 1,2 ] , Xie, YH (Xie, Yunhe)[ 1 ] , Schuemann, J (Schuemann, Jan)[ 1,2 ] , Yock, T(Yock, Torunn)[ 1,2 ] , Paganetti, H (Paganetti, Harald)[ 1,2 ]
Published in: PHYSICS IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY Volume: 61 Issue: 1 Pages: 12-22 Published: JAN 7 2016
Year: 2016

PBS machine interlocks using EWMA

Authors: Clasie, BM (Clasie, Benjamin M.)[ 1 ] , Kooy, HM (Kooy, Hanne M.), Flanz, JB (Flanz, Jacob B.)
Year: 2016

Roadmap to Clinical Use of Gold Nanoparticles for Radiation Sensitization

Authors: Schuemann, J (Schuemann, Jan)[ 1,2 ] , Berbeco, R (Berbeco, Ross)[ 2,3 ] , Chithrani, DB (Chithrani, Devika B.)[ 4 ] , Cho, SH (Cho, Sang Hyun)[ 5,6 ] ,Kumar, R (Kumar, Rajiv)[ 7,8 ] , McMahon, SJ (McMahon, Stephen J.)[ 1,2,9 ] , Sridhar, S (Sridhar, Srinivas)[ 7,8 ] , Krishnan, S (Krishnan, Sunil)[ 10 ]
Year: 2016

Optimising element choice for nanoparticle radiosensitisers

Authors: McMahon, SJ (McMahon, Stephen J.)[ 1,2 ] , Paganetti, H (Paganetti, Harald)[ 1,2 ] , Prise, KM (Prise, Kevin M.)[ 3 ]
Published in: NANOSCALE McMahon, SJ (McMahon, Stephen J.)[ 1,2 ] , Paganetti, H (Paganetti, Harald)[ 1,2 ] , Prise, KM (Prise, Kevin M.)[ 3 ] Published: 2016
Year: 2016

Automated Monte Carlo simulation of proton therapy treatment plans

Authors: Verburg JM, Grassberger C, Dowdell S, Schuemann J, Seco J, Paganetti H
Journal: Technology in Cancer Research & Treatment
Year: 2015

Range verification of passively scattered proton beams using prompt gamma-ray detection

Authors: Verburg JM, Testa M, Seco J
Journal: Physics in Medicine and Biology
Volume: 60
Issue: 3
Pages: 1019-1029
Year: 2015

Degradation of proton depth dose distributions attributable to microstructures in lung-equivalent material

Authors: Titt, U (Titt, Uwe)[ 1 ] , Sell, M (Sell, Martin)[ 1,2 ] , Unkelbach, J (Unkelbach, Jan)[ 3 ] , Bangert, M (Bangert, Mark)[ 2 ] , Mirkovic, D (Mirkovic, Dragan)[ 1 ] ,Oelfke, U (Oelfke, Uwe)[ 2,4 ] , Mohan, R (Mohan, Radhe)[ 1 ]
Published in: MEDICAL PHYSICS Volume: 42 Issue: 11 Pages: 6425-6432 Published: NOV 2015
Year: 2015

A phenomenological relative biological effectiveness (RBE) model for proton therapy based on all published in vitro cell survival data

Authors: McNamara, AL (McNamara, Aimee L.)[ 1 ] , Schuemann, J (Schuemann, Jan)[ 1 ] , Paganetti, H (Paganetti, Harald)[ 1 ]
Published in: PHYSICS IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY Volume: 60 Issue: 21 Pages: 8399-8416 Published: NOV 7 2015
Year: 2015

Gold nanoparticle induced vasculature damage in radiotherapy: Comparing protons, megavoltage photons, and kilovoltage photons

Authors: Lin, YT (Lin, Yuting)[ 1,2 ] , Paganetti, H (Paganetti, Harald)[ 1,2 ] , McMahon, SJ (McMahon, Stephen J.)[ 1,2,3 ] , Schuemann, J (Schuemann, Jan)[ 1,2 ]
Published in: MEDICAL PHYSICS Volume: 42 Issue: 10 Pages: 5890-5902 Published: OCT 2015
Year: 2015

Optimization of Radiation Therapy Fractionation Schedules in the Presence of Tumor Repopulation

Authors: Bortfeld, T (Bortfeld, Thomas)[ 1,2 ] , Ramakrishnan, J (Ramakrishnan, Jagdish)[ 3 ] , Tsitsiklis, JN (Tsitsiklis, John N.)[ 4 ] , Unkelbach, J (Unkelbach, Jan)[ 1,2 ]
Published in: INFORMS JOURNAL ON COMPUTING Volume: 27 Issue: 4 Pages: 788-803 Published: FAL 2015
Year: 2015

Assessing the Clinical Impact of Approximations in Analytical Dose Calculations for Proton Therapy

Authors: Schuemann, J (Schuemann, Jan)[ 1 ] , Giantsoudi, D (Giantsoudi, Drosoula), Grassberger, C (Grassberger, Clemens), Moteabbed, M (Moteabbed, Maryam), Min, CH (Min, Chul Hee), Paganetti, H (Paganetti, Harald)
Published in: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RADIATION ONCOLOGY BIOLOGY PHYSICS Volume: 92 Issue: 5 Pages: 1157-1164 Published: AUG 1 2015
Year: 2015

Anterior Proton Beams for Prostate Treatments Lead to Substantial Elevations in Modeled RBE-Weighted Rectal Dose

Authors: Underwood, T (Underwood, T.)[ 1,2,3 ] , Giantsoudi, D (Giantsoudi, D.)[ 1,2 ] , Moteabbed, M (Moteabbed, M.)[ 1,2 ] , Zietman, A (Zietman, A.)[ 1,2 ] ,Efstathiou, J (Efstathiou, J.)[ 1,2 ] , Paganetti, H (Paganetti, H.)[ 1,2 ] , Lu, HM (Lu, H. M.)[ 1,2 ]
Published in: MEDICAL PHYSICS Volume: 42 Issue: 6 Pages: 3615-3616 Published: JUN 2015
Year: 2015

LET-Based Inverse Planning for IMPT

Authors: Gorissen, BL (Gorissen, B. L.), Giantsoudi, D (Giantsoudi, D.), Unkelbach, J (Unkelbach, J.), Paganetti, H (Paganetti, H.)
Published in: MEDICAL PHYSICS Volume: 42 Issue: 6 Pages: 3616-3616 Published: JUN 2015
Year: 2015

Extension of TOPAS for the simulation of proton radiation effects considering molecular and cellular endpoints

Authors: Polster, L (Polster, Lisa)[ 1,2 ] , Schuemann, J (Schuemann, Jan)[ 1,3 ] , Rinaldi, I (Rinaldi, Ilaria)[ 1,4,5 ] , Burigo, L (Burigo, Lucas)[ 6,7 ] , McNamara, AL(McNamara, Aimee L.)[ 1,3 ] , Stewart, RD (Stewart, Robert D.)[ 8 ] , Attili, A (Attili, Andrea)[ 9 ] , Carlson, DJ (Carlson, David J.)[ 10 ] , Sato, T (Sato, Tatsuhiko)[ 11 ] , Mendez, JR (Mendez, Jose Ramos)[ 12 ] , Faddegon, B (Faddegon, Bruce)[ 12 ] , Perl, J (Perl, Joseph)[ 13 ] , Paganetti, H (Paganetti, Harald)[1,13 ]
Published in: PHYSICS IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY Volume: 60 Issue: 13 Pages: 5053-5070 Published: JUL 7 2015
Year: 2015