Effects of motion on the total dose distribution
Artifacts in computed tomography scanning of moving objects
Introduction Intrafractional organ motion and its management
Four-dimensional Monte Carlo simulation of time-dependent geometries
Prediction of respiratory tumour motion for real-time image-guided radiotherapy
A finite state model for respiratory motion analysis in image guided radiation therapy
Tracking errors in a prototype real_time tumour tracking system
Dose response of the AIA rabbit stifle joint to boron neutron capture synovectomy
Quality assurance and validation of individual IMRT treatment plans before delivery
4D-CT imaging of a volume influenced by respiratory motion on multi-slice CT
Adaptation of GEANT4 to Monte Carlo dose calculations based on CT data
Real-time 4D tumor tracking and modeling from internal and external fiducials in fluoroscopy
Permanent alopecia after cranial irradiation Dose-response relationship