People Directory

Joao Seco, PhD

Medical Physicist
Assistant Professor
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Massachusetts General Hospital
Department of Radiation Oncology
Francis H Burr Proton Therapy Center
30 Fruit Street
Boston, MA 02114
617 724 5097, 617 724 1202

Education and Degrees

  • Degree: Univ. Lisbon, 1993, Theoretical Physics
  • MSc : Univ. Lisbon & Univ Paris 6/7, 1996, Solid State Physics and Material Science
  • MSc : New Univ. Lisbon, 1998, Engineering of Medical Equipment
  • PhD : Univ. of London, 2002, Medical Physics

Areas of Interest

  • Monte Carlo simulations for beam delivery and verification
  • Monte Carlo dose calculations
  • Electronic portal imaging and dosimetry
  • 4D Monte Carlo dose calculation

Selected publications

Seco J, Sharp GC, Turcotte J, Gierga D, Bortfeld T, Paganetti H(2007) Effects of intra-fraction motion on IMRT treatment with segmentsof few monitor units. Med Phys, 34(3), 923-934

Davies G, Bidmead AM, Mubata C, Nalder C, Seco J (2007) Electrondosimetry of angular fields, British Journal Radiology, March 2007

Vanderstraeten B, Chin M, Fix M, Leal A, Mora G, Reynaert N, Seco J,Soukup M, Spezi E, (2007) Conversion of CT numbers into tissueparameters for Monte Carlo dose calculations: a multi-center study. Phys. Med. Biol., 52(3), 539-562

Parent L, Seco J, Evans PM, Dance DR, Fielding A (2006) Evaluation oftwo methods of predicting MLC leaf positions using EPID measurements. Med. Phys., 33, 3174-3182

Parent L, Seco J, Evans PM, Fielding A, Dance DR (2006) Monte Carlomodeling of a-Si EPID response: The effect of spectral variations withfield size and position. Med Phys, 33, 4527-4540 2006

Seco J, Evans PM (2006) Assessing the effect of electron density inphoton dose calculations. Med. Phys, 33* 540-552

Partridge M, Trapp J, Seco J, Adams EJ, Leach MO, Webb S (2006) AnInvestigation of Dose Calculation Accuracy in Intensity-ModulatedRadiotherapy of sites in the Head & Neck. Physica Medica/, XXII (3)*97-104 July-September

Seco J, Adams EJ, Bidmead AM, Partridge M, Verhaegen F (2005) Head& Neck IMRT treatments assessed with a Monte Carlo dose calculationengine. Phys. Med. Biol. 50, 817-830

Selected Publications in Solid State Physics (Superconducting Neutrino Detector's)

Seco J and Girard TA (2000) The supercritical fields of metastable Type-I superconductors. Nucl. Instr. Methods Phys A, 444(1-2), 357

Dubos H, Girard TA, Waysand G, Perrier P, Jeudy V Limagne D, Seco J and Collar JI (1998) Thermal nucleation of the normal state in superheated superconducting tin grains. Phys Rev B, 58, 6468

Girard TA, Morales A, Waysand G, Collar JI, BruereDawson R, Dubos H, Garcia E, Gomes MR, Jeudy V, Limagne D, Morales J, Perrier P, Puimedon J, Saenz C, Salinas A, Sarsa ML, Seco J, deSolorzano AO, Villar J and Yong J (1996) The Lisbon-Zaragoza-Paris dark matter search. Nucl. Instr. Methods Phys A, 370, 223

Seco J, Gomes MJ, Barbosa R, Girard TA, Waysand G, Limagne D, Dubos H, Jeudy V and Perrier P (1996) Radiation detection with a metastable superconducting detector composed of nonspherical grains. Nucl. Instr. Methods Phys A,  370, 20

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