Events Calendar

Hanna Koivunoro (Neutron Therapeutics): Accelerator-based Boron neutron capture therapy at the Helsinki University Hospital
Tuesday 04 February 2020, 12:00pm - 01:00pm

Boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT) is biologically targeted high-LET radiation therapy modality, which requires intense external slow neutron radiation source and tumor seeking boron-10 carrier compound. 

Most frequently BNCT has been used to treat patients with either primary or recurrent high grade glioma or head-and-neck cancer. In addition, patients with some other malignancies such as melanoma and malignant meningioma  have been treated.

Previously, nuclear reactor based neutron facilities were the only available neutron sources for BNCT. Recently accelerator-based high intensity neutron sources have been developed for hospital installation.   

In this seminar, BNCT dosimetry methods, dose calculation, treatment planning and clinical applications are reviewed. In addition, a new accelerator-based patient treatment suite installed at Helsinki University Hospital in Finland will be introduced.


Location : Goitein Room